

BDJS is a lightweight, yet potent package for creating Discord bots. With a simple and intuitive API, BDJS makes it easy to build and deploy bots that can perform a wide range of tasks, from sending messages to managing roles and handling commands. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, BDJS is the perfect tool for creating bots that will enhance your Discord experience.



npm install bdjs


pnpm add bdjs


yarn add bdjs

Basic Setup

const { Bot } = require('bdjs')

const bot = new Bot({
auth: 'BOT TOKEN',
events: [
intents: [
prefixes: [



With BDJS, you can define custom commands that can be used to perform complex data manipulation tasks with just a few lines of code. This makes it easy to create powerful and flexible data manipulation workflows without any hassle.

Basic command setup

To define a command, you must use CommandManager#add like the following example.

const { Bot } = require('bdjs')

const bot = new Bot({
auth: 'BOT TOKEN',
events: [
intents: [
prefixes: [

name: 'ping',
aliases: ['latency'],
type: 'prefixed',
code: `


Command Loader

CommandManager lets you load commands from a directory with ease.

const { Bot } = require('bdjs')

const bot = new Bot({
auth: 'BOT TOKEN',
events: [
intents: [
prefixes: [

bot.commands.load('commands').then(async () => {
await bot.login() // Connecting the bot when commands are loaded.

Allowed command types

Name Description
ready Executed when client user is ready.
prefixed Executed when a prefixed message is created.
unprefixed Executed when an unprefixed (command name without prefix) message is created.
always Executed when a message is created.
anyInteraction Executed when an interaction is created.
buttonInteraction Executed when a button interaction is created.
selectMenuInteraction Executed when a select menu interaction is created.
commandInteraction Executed when a command interaction is created.
modalInteraction Executed when a modal interaction is created.
interval Executed when an interval is emitted.
timeout Executed when a timeout is emitted.
typingStart Executed when someone starts typing in a guild channel.
memberJoin Executed when a new member joins a guild.
memberLeave Executed when a member leaves a guild.
botJoin Executed when bot joins a guild.
botLeave Executed when bot leaves a guild.


Events must be declared inside client constructor to be listened, else the event won't be executed. Events are case-sensitive, so take a look on how you define them.

const { Bot } = require('bdjs')

const bot = new Bot({
events: [

Supported events

Name Description
onError Executed when an error is emitted.
onGuildCreate Executed when bot joins a guild.
onGuildDelete Executed when bot leaves a guild.
onGuildMemberAdd Executed when a new member joins a guild.
onGuildMemberRemove Executed when a new member joins a guild.
onInteractionCreate Executed when an interaction is created.
onInterval Executed when an interval is emitted.
onMessageCreate Executed when a message is created.
onReady Executed when client user is ready.
onShardCreate Executed when a shard is created.
onShardReady Executed when an interval is emitted.
onTimeout Executed when a timeout is emitted.
onTypingStart Executed when someone starts typing.


Functions are the compact way to interact with the Discord API.

Creating a custom function

You can add your own function by following the next example.

const { Bot } = require('bdjs')

const bot = new Bot({
events: [

name: '$helloWorld',
description: 'Prints a message using $helloWorld keyword, that is fun.',
builders: false, // Optional property. If this function support builder functions.
injectable: false, // Optional property. If this function support subfunction injection.
parameters: [
name: 'Parameter',
description: 'Parameter to be printed.',
required: true,
resolver: 'String',
compile: true, // Optional property. Tell the compiler to compile this field or not.
unescape: true, // Optional property. Tell the compiler to unescape this field or not.
value: 'none' // Default field value, if any. Set to "none" if don't have default value.
code: async (d, [param]) => {
if (param === undefined)
throw new d.error(d, 'required', 'parameter',


Builder functions

Builder functions are functions that are function-scope executable, this means that these functions just will work inside its parent function.

# Works!
$setReason[Nomás porque si.]

# Will throw an error.
$setReason[Nomás porque si.]

Builder-compatible functions

Function name Description
$channelCreate Creates a channel in a guild.
$createActionRow Creates a new action row.
$createBan Creates a ban for the provided user ID in a guild.
$createEmbed Creates an embed.
$roleCreate Creates a role in a guild.
$roleUpdate Updates a role in a guild.

Function injections

Injections allows to inject subfunctions to any function that supports it.

const { Bot } = require('bdjs')

const bot = new Bot({
events: [

bot.functions.inject('createEmbed', 'myFunction', {
async code(d) {
return 'success'

name: 'run',
type: 'prefixed',
code: `
$myFunction # Will work

$myFunction # Will not work

Injectable functions

Function name Description
$createEmbed Creates an embed.


BDJS let you add custom functions and events with ease. Just extend "Plugin" class and you're ready to go.

Setup Example

const { Bot, Plugin } = require('bdjs')
const { join } = require('path')

class BDJSCanvas extends Plugin {
constructor() {
name: 'BDJSCanvas',
version: '0.0.1',
description: 'Handle canvas with ease.'

this.load(join(__dirname, 'functions'), true)

const bot = new Bot({
plugins: [
new BDJSCanvas()


Every function/event export must be under "default" property.

const { BaseFunction } = require('bdjs')

module.exports['default'] = new BaseFunction({
code: async (d, [message]) => {
console.log('Using canvas? | ' + message)

Aditional Information

You must use BaseFunction and BaseEvent class to export your plugins. RAW objects wont be loaded.

const { BaseEvent, BaseFunction } = require('bdjs')

// Loaded
module.exports['default'] = new BaseFunction({
code: async (d, [message]) => {
console.log('Using canvas? | ' + message)
// or
module.exports['default'] = new BaseEvent({
name: 'onCustom',
listener(bot, ...args) {
// ...

module.exports['default'] = {
code: async (d, [message]) => {
console.log('Using canvas? | ' + message)
// or
module.exports['default'] = {
name: 'onCustom',
listener(bot, ...args) {
// ...


Auto-generated documentation: Click here

What inspired BDJS?

HyteScript.js: npm

ForgeScript: npm

Generated using TypeDoc